Friday, March 28, 2008

A nugget from Coach Bryant...

I absolutely loved the last part of John Pruett's column in the Huntsville Times on Wednesday. I must mention that reading Pruett has been a part of my life since the mid 70's. I'm glad he's still doing it. The letter he references was treasure from Coach Bryant. Coach Bryant really was a classy guy relative to how he treated people with politeness and kindness. An excerpt...

"Dear Bobby and Phil:

Thank you very much for your letter. I am highly flattered by your comments, particularly since you are fans of Auburn.

Appreciate you writing and hope each of you has a most Joyous Holiday Season.


Paul Bryant


Nineteen days later, in his final game as Alabama's coach, Paul Bryant's team beat Illinois at the Liberty Bowl.

Four weeks after that, he died of heart failure in a Tuscaloosa hospital."


Sharp said...

Did you hear that John retired Monday?

His final column is here.

Mike Wilhelm said...

Thanks, Sharp, for the link. I was going to look for it but haven't done it yet. I wrote this just a couple of days before I heard about his retirement. There was a big section about him in the Sunday HSV Times.